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Using PLDT WeRoam

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I started using PLDT WeRoam last June. I often receive a lot of question about it and hope this can help.

1. Where can you use your PLDTWeRoam?
Anywhere in the Philippines for as long as that area has Smart cellphone signal with GPRS or EDGE service in the area. Your AirCard Watcher should be able to tell you if there's a signal available.

2. How much is PLDTWeRoam?
Usually, there's a downpayment needed and the monthly fee is P2000. I heard that some companies were able to get a much cheaper rate depending on volume.

3. Can anyone just get a PLDT WeRoam?
From what I heard, no. Your company must be a corporate subscriber of PLDT's services. However, you can apply to become but must be ready to submit the documentary requirements asked for. As the AirCard is quite expensive, a lot of due diligence is made.

4. I heard the service is slow?
Actually, it depends on how you look at it. In my case, I find the service to be as good as dial-up with the mobility advantage which is of utmost importance for me. If you like to upload or download big files, it is best to do so when you an EDGE signal.

5. How has the service affected your Internet usage?
I surf, read, and blog more as a result. I became 2 to 3 times more active online. Disciplined and sensible Internet use though is up to us. I also like the idea that I don't have to use our landline phone when connecting to the Internet.

I hope this helps.

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jorge (Homepage) on April 13, 2007 at 10:25 PM
i m using pldt weroam but i cant connect to the msn messenger.... it says that my gateway is offline.... but i can use the internet exploler notmally. (some pages doesnt show though....) is there any solution???


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