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Call for regional entries! Philippine Schools CyberFair 2006: Inspire and Unite!

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Attention: All elementary and high school teachers!

Engage students in performance-based, collaborative, project-design competition this school year 2005-2006!

- Support standards-based, authentic learning
- Connect students to their local communities
- Increase students' global perspective
- Increase real-world, transferable skills
- Involve students in the assessment
- Teach students information-age skills (research, project management, publishing, digital media) is launching the 5th Philippines School CyberFair Project with the theme, "Inspire and Unite". This competition encourages students to "shine the spotlight" on people, places, businesses and other things in their local community -- that serve to "inspire, motivate, and encourage positive change."

All Philippine entries shall also join the International School CyberFair. On its 11th year, it has been described as the largest educational event of its kind ever held on the Internet. This program has brought together more than one million students from over 100 countries.

It is also an authentic learning program used by schools and youth organizations around the world. Youth conduct research and publish their findings on the Web. Recognition is given to the best projects in each of eight categories: local leaders, businesses, community organizations, historical landmarks, environment, music, art, and local specialties. This program encourages youth to become community ambassadors by working collaboratively and using technology to share what they have learned. Students evaluate each other's projects by using a unique online evaluation tool.

CyberFair encourages youth to connect the knowledge they learn in school to real world applications. It also supports current education subjects such as Filipino, English, Computer, Social Studies, Science, Music, Practical Arts, Character Education, among others.

This year, schools can submit multiple entries. However, it should only be limited to one entry, per category, per division (elementary / high school). All entries must be written and presented in English and Filipino.

We are launching earlier this year to give way to the regional competition. Prizes this year includes:

Regional level (August to November 2005)
- Trophy for the school, medal for students
- Regional IT leadership convention for all Cyberfair participants

Note that regions with less than 40 entries shall be merged with nearby regions or be directly included in the national competition.

National level (November 2005 to March 2006)
- Trophy for the school, medal for students
- National IT leadership convention for all Cyberfair participants
- Train the teachers on E-Learning Content Development 5-days workshop

For more details, visit

Do you like to support the Philippine Schools CyberFair 2006? Here's how.

1. Disseminate this information to the schools in your area.
2. Coach teachers and students in preparing the CyberFair entry.
3. Volunteer as a reviewer of website entries.
4. If you are from the media or have a blog, write or talk about this initiative.
5. Become a corporate sponsor by providing resources needed for this project.
6. Become an individual supporter by buying a book, e-book, research report, or become a club member at

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janette on August 14, 2005 at 10:53 AM
To monitor the number of entries signing up for this project, visit the CyberFair blog at

0 Star(s) awarded    

dfs on September 14, 2005 at 1:43 AM
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exipnos melampsi


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