Behind the Scenes

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Customers not worth keeping

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In Shery's first blog, she talked about why some customers are not worth keeping. I really find it interesting and feel the same in a lot of ways in my dealings with customers.

I guess there are customers who will really try to get beyond what they are willing to paid for. In research, for instance, one of the reasons why I got disheartened is when customers want so much and yet they are not willing to pay at the earliest time possible. There are those who are good payers but suddenly becoming non-flexible in adjusting to the scenarios that you are encountering. The problem with research is that you don't have any control on your respondents. If they cooperate, fine. If they don't, you're in trouble. The problem comes in as well when you deal with other project consultants who are eager in squeezing you just to please the proponents of the project. I guess this is primarily the reason why I lied low in this area and realigned my focus.

I must admit that I have my own share of weaknesses too.  As my research work got criticized in the past, I'd rather break schedules than produce a bad report or article. I guess its best that I stick to self-funded projects.

That's life. You can't have it all.

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