What is the Dashboard for?

The Dashboard enables you to update your weblogs or photoblogs as well as your personal settings. It behaves like a command central! After you register and receive your username and password, or whenever you log in thereafter, you will be automatically referred to the Dashboard.

Whenever you are logged in, you will find a small link bar above every weblog. Clicking "My DigitalFilipino.com Blogsite" will bring you directly back to the Dashboard. Or, you can refer to the Dashboard by clicking "to weblog" on the homepage.

The administration page is structured like a file system. Whenever you are logged onto the site, you always find yourself on "my DigitalFilipino.com Blogsite," your personal start-up page; the page gives an overview of all basic features. The first level is divided into four categories. The grey shaded area on the left hand side serves as a "blackboard", where DigitalFilipino.com Blogsite keeps you updated with the latest news. On the right hand side are the other three categories, which are in blue, green, and grey. "Weblogs" (blue) and "photoblogs" (green) are the most important of the three categories, and they guide you directly to the publishing new content or changing old content features on your weblog. You can find all of your web/photoblogs listed here. The "quick-links" enable you to directly access the most relevant features, such as creating entries or showing comments. By clicking on one of your weblogs, you can access the overview page of that particular weblog. Also, "quick-links" support your blogging on the administration page as well. The grey area, "DigitalFilipino.com Blogsite & me", offers you a variety of statistics about your weblog within the DigitalFilipino.com Blogsite community (e.g. an overview of your comments). For more detailed statistics you simply click "DigitalFilipino.com Blogsite & me".

Furthermore, there are tabs located above the main areas: "overview", "my account details", "about me", "comments", "community", and "statistics". This is where you can manage all your personal information as well as personal settings.

You can find a more detailed explanation on the various categories and tab items in the help section.

Please also check out:
» How to create new entries?
» How to change/delete old entries?
» How to create a category?
» How to change/delete a category?
» How to change the name of my weblog/s?
» How to change the description of my weblogs?
» What to do with the category "my pictures"?
» How to choose a layout?
» Changing colour/design of my layout
» Choosing different font sizes/types
» What are favorite blogs?
» How to change password and username?
» How to enter a new email address?
» What does "statistic" mean?

How to login to your Weblog or Photoblog

You can log into your DigitalFilipino.com Blogsite account by entering your username and password on our homepage DigitalFilipino.21publish.com. After logging in, you will be directed to your personal administration page on DigitalFilipino.com Blogsite (for more information click here). The blue and green categories list your weblogs as well as your photoblogs. Clicking "weblogs" or "photoblogs" will lead you directly to these categories. That is where you can create new entries or edit old ones, choose different layouts or change your settings.

If you want to preview your weblog or photoblog before it is published, click "view". Whenever you are logged in and looking at the public view of your weblog, you will see the link "edit weblog". This link takes you directly back to your personal administration page.

There are two ways in which your weblog is presented to you whenever you are logged in. It doesn't make a difference whether you directly enter the URL or click into your weblog via one of the DigitalFilipino.com Blogsite link lists. You will either see the public view or the administration view. The view presented to you depends on the last view you chose. For example, if you are looking at the public view and then decide to surf the DigitalFilipino.com Blogsite community, you will still be looking at the public view when you return to your weblog. If you start surfing from the administration page, that page is still there when you return.

You can also access the administration site directly by entering the following URL (this is only possible when you're logged in) : http://DigitalFilipino.21publish.com/weblogs/overview.htm

See also:
» What is the adminstration site there for?

Do other users have access to my administration page?

Other users do not have access to your administration page unless you give them your password. It is only visible to you. Only you can change your weblog, photoblog or your personal settings. Your administration page will also appear whenever you create entries in third-party blogs that you have access to as author or moderator. The upper navigation bar in the blue or green window shows your status (owner, author, moderator) within the particular weblog or photoblog.



How to recognize private entries

Below every entry on your adminstration page, you see a line of short links in red font. The first word in the line tells you whether an entry is "public", "private", or dedicated to a special group of friends or authors. The line also informs you when the entry was published and how many stars or comments were rewarded. Private entries are also marked with a small symbol next to the title. This helps to identify them at first glance.

Only you can read your private entries, as long as you are logged in. All other users (including yourself if you're logged out) can only read your public entries and will not know that you have created private entries.

See also:

» Can I change the status of an entry from public to private or vice-versa?
» Why can I read a private entry on my weblog?

Why are some windows colored blue, green, or grey?

The blue and green windows are your most important categories. They directly link you to the actual publishing of your weblogs on DigitalFilipino.com Blogsite. The blue category titled "weblogs" offers all menu items you need to create entries and administer the settings of your weblog. If you want to create photoblogs, choose the green window.

You will find all personal data in the grey window. This includes your personal information, personal settings, an overview of your administration page and information about your community and comments.

The different windows offer access to all the relevant information on your weblog, your photoblog and your personal data at a glance.

What are RSS-feeds?

RSS stands for "rich site summary". This format enables the exchange of data between two different information systems. It automatically informs the other system whenever you update your entries. You can offer your weblog as an RSS-feed to other sites. This will enable other users, regardless of their blogging software, to automatically present your updates on on their blog in the form of a news ticker. You can also use RSS feeds to present up-to-date information from other bloggers or news agencies on your own blog. Most available RSS feeds can easily be identified as they are marked with an XML image.

There are many different versions of RSS. DigitalFilipino.com Blogsite supports the version 0.91, 1.0 and 2.0. DigitalFilipino.com Blogsite uses version 2.0 to generate feeds from the weblogs within its community.

How do I activate RSS-feeds on my weblog?

RSS feeds are automatically activated when you create a new blog - the XML image will appear when you view your weblog. Your RSS feed can be found via the URL http://DigitalFilipino.21publish.com/rss/WeblogURL.

If you wish to deactivate RSS feeds, select the particular weblog or photoblog in the green or blue window. Then select "settings" and deactivate by selecting "subscribe (RSS-Feed)". Please note that you have to save any changes you make.

How do I subsribe to other Weblogs or websites via RSS?

RSS feeds enable you to subscribe to other weblogs or websites (as long as they offer the service). In most cases, these sites are marked with an XML symbol. The symbol links to the RSS feed of the particular site. Copy this URL, select the weblog or photoblog in which you want the subscription to appear and insert the link into the window under "new" > "subscribed websites (RSS feeds)" > "new subscription". Save this entry and the subscribed information will appear on your weblog/photoblog as soon as updates have been made on the other website.

You can find an overview of your subscriptions under "subscribed websites (RSS feeds)" and an overview of the latest feeds under "Weblog" > "Information".


What are the Access Statistics?

The Access Statistics give you detailed information about the visits on your weblog of a given month. You can see how many unique visitors you've had, how many pages they have viewed, which browser they have used and many more interesting info.
Besides the actual pages, you also see "hits". If someone visits your page, that is counted as a page impression. But if you have images or other files that need to be loaded, each of those counts as an additional hit on your weblog.
You are also shown the 10 pages from which your weblog is visited most often. These are not links to your blog, but are the pages your visitors viewed prior to their visit of your blog. To check out which other blogs link to your blog, check out www.technorati.com.
Last but not least, there is a list of the search terms people use to find your site. These can be either individual words or phrases which people have entered into search engines like Google.
DigitalFilipino.com Blogsite Statistics is a free service to show you who reads your blog. These statistics are compiled from a great little open source program called AWStats.

What is the difference between Weblog-Data and Access Statistics?

Weblog-Data is a statistical summary of your weblogs, such as how many posts and comments you've had.
The Access Statistics show you how many visitors have accessed your blog.