simoncpu Random thoughts of simoncpu. You may view my old blog here.
Entries "May 2005":

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Deciding on Content

I can't decide on what I'll put in this blog.  I was planning to put my personal blog in my own webhost, but I later realized that I can't separate my job and my personal life no matter how hard I try.  My life revolves around computers.  I think in Boolean. I speak in interepreted and compiled Turing-complete languages, and I feel with emotions of rand() modulo RAND_MAX, ranging within the open interval of negative and positive infinities, therefore implying that I have defined RAND_MAX as infinite.

See?  I even speak gibberish if I don't inhibit myself.

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Posted by: simoncpu    in: Thoughts

Modified on May 31, 2005 at 5:58 PM
A New Beginning

There are two reasons why I've decided to create a new blog.  The first is because 21Publish made some errors when they've upgraded their previous engine. I contacted their customer support, but their reply time was so slow.  Rather than make their system adapt to me, I guess I just have to learn how to adapt to them.  Being a web developer myself, I know how difficult it is to migrate to a new system because more often than not, the new database would introduce subtle compatibility errors that are difficult to single out.  In most cases, it is much easier to create a new one rather than modify an existing one.

The second one is because this "new beginning" is a parallel to what I am currently experiencing right now.  I can't explain it (perhaps I'll expound it in my subsequent blog entries), but I am currently experiencing a state of doubt and realization that I again have to choose my alignment in the universe.  I used to fancy myself as aligning to the chaotic good, but lately, it seems that I have drifted to neutral.  Sometimes, I'm tempted to deliberately align with lawful evil, but my instincts dictate otherwise.  It's so hard to depart from the way I was brought up.  Anyway, more on this later.

You can still access my old blog at

»2:47 PM    »No comments     »Send entry    

Posted by: simoncpu    in: Thoughts

Modified on May 31, 2005 at 2:48 PM