About me

I'm a vegan, and I'm not ashamed to admit it ;o). I'm an insomniac, but I've not had any coffee since August 2003. When I get cravings for chocolate, I munch on a carrot and I'm satisfied. My longest IRC chatting lasted for 54 hours straight...in 1997. I don't think I can do that again in my old age ;o) I'm a multi-tasker: I always juggle 10-20 tasks/projects at any given time. I come up with ideas for projects I can make, sell or give away faster than the time it takes me to run to the toilet when I really really really gotta go but I've been postponing going because I couldn't bear to part from my computer.

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blog-o-shery blogging shery's (mis)adventures in online marketing -- because on the Internet, the customers are not always right!
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