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21Publish - Cooperative Publishing

March 3: eBay Best Practices

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The Club will be having its 18th networking event this March 3, Friday, 4:00 to 7:00 pm. The venue shall be at Conference Room A, 10th floor, Innove Communications, 111 Valero St., Salcedo
Village, Makati City.

Our sincerest thanks to our corporate member, Innove Communications (, for hosting our small get together.

This gathering is exclusive for Club members only and are requested to confirm attendance for food count purposes.

(Note that an eyeball shall be arranged in Cebu, Davao, and Cagayan De Oro this March.)

Agenda shall be as follows:

3:30 - 4:00 Registration

4:00 - 4:10
Introduction by each club member

4:10 - 4:30
Club updates
Internet Forensics Findings Sharing (club members who have findings to share are requested to email me their powerpoint files ahead)

4:30 - 5:00
Mobile Surfing and Mobile Payments (by Glenn Dy and Harvey Libarnes, Innove Communications)

5:00 - 6:30
eBay Trading Best Practices (by Randy Manaloto,
- Introduction to eBay
- Buying in eBay
- Finding-and Getting-Bargains, Getting a Good Deal
- Becoming a Power Buyer
- Selling Stuff on eBay
- Building a Competitive Auction Offering
- From hobby to business in eBay - Power seller
- Specialty selling
- Cool tools for sellers
- Connecting with eBayers Club member Randy Manaloto is an eBay Trading Assistant. Members are encouraged to bring their laptop for hands-on practices purposes.

6:30 - onwards
Networking among members

Interested non-members are requested to sign up as a member prior to March 3 and confirm attendance for food count purposes. There are three types of membership:




We hope you can join. Thank you.

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