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Post-Writing Reflection

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        While reading my blog's archive, I've just realized that my right brain hemisphere is inappropriate for literary expression.  Although it may be suitable when introspecting, brainstorming, or experimenting with digital art, it is just not designed to process and express things in a verbal and coherent manner.

       I was a bit unhappy with the way my sentences were constructed.  Some were caused by how my attention randomly jumps from one thought to another, while others were caused by my lack of exposure to slang and informal English.  I made it a point, however, not to modify my entries unless I need to edit libelous statements or factual inaccuracies.  That way, I can have a progress record on how well I am able to maintain a balance between my two brain hemispheres.

       I will also make it a point to be exposed to less philosophical and technical material.  It may seem unwise to change my reading preferences, but I really want to learn how to express myself without being too sentimental or logical.  As what I have just learned recently, it is very difficult to write something without forcing simplicity, because I am afraid that I might seem to be forcing cliché and profundity.

       Blogging has been around the Internet for quite some time already.  Although I have signed up with many blogging services in order to absorb ideas on how to implement similar systems on my future web development projects, it is only now that I have maintained a blog.  Like with Friendster, IRC, and Yahoo! Messenger, I didn't immediately jump in to the bandwagon because they were popular.  Although my tastes are plebeian, I don't know why I don't like adopting new products and services unless they have that nerdish and geekish appeal.  I am deeply aware that I need to change this behavior, lest I become like the gross nouveau that I so dislike.

       Because I have always lived in my own world, I'm glad that I'm beginning to see that blogging is a worthwhile leisure pursuit.  Writing impels me to perceive the world not only the way I want it to be, but to perceive it the way it simply is.  Most importantly, however, it also impels me to correct my own thoughts. §

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