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Toothache: The Prologue

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It was the fourth watch of the night, and I stood before the mirror, trembling.  Never could I forget that day, for there stood in front of me an accursed being struggling to contain the demon bound within him.  What I saw then was surely not meant for mortal eyes.

Truly, I say unto you, woe is the soul that lives inside of him!  For as the demon fought to achieve power upon his soul, it summoned forth foul creatures from the bowels of Hell, that they may aid him in his dark quest.  Day and night, his angelic guardians battled with it, leaving behind a trail of destruction in its wake.  This war between light and darkness was fought inside of him.

His soul cried out in anguish but his flesh remained silent.  Yet, the sound of the soul is a hundredfold more deafening than the sound of the flesh; its sound of agony is like a thousand thorns piercing through my heart.

I prayed for salvation that I might be delivered from my darkest hour.  Salvation has not yet come.

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