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minti: online parenting

with so many web 2.0 sites popping up, it's not surprising that there are also many web 2.0 directories created. openBC has one, eConsultant has another one and   listible has one also.

nothwithstanding the hula over what web 2.0 really is, these lists might just add confusion to the users. following kaye's post about thinkfree,  i think it would be best to feature and review some sites that has value and let this be a jumpstart to learning portal on web 2.0 and web 2.0 apps.

here's a site that might be useful to parents and would-be parents out there.

Minti is a virtual place where parents can visit anytime to share and gain valuable advice on parenting. The content is created by members in the form of articles. The articles are tagged, rated and commented on by the community to encourage the integrity and relevancy of the information created. Topics range from pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, babies, early childhood, schooling, tweens, teenage years and beyond. Consider Minti as your global parent support group and expect lots of new features to be constantly added to the site so we can all be better at the most important job in the world: parenting.


interestingly, one of Minti's co-founder is half-filipina, rachel cook. mom to toddler codi and passionate about parenting , rachel conceptualized Minti early 2005, foreseeing the benefits of wikipedia   and the need for online parent-to-parent advice-opedia.

members can share their experiences in raising children and give and/or seek advice and. each advice are rated by the members with the best sounding advice getting the highest rate. with the complexities of parenthood, minti has sorted out its advices or posts through folksonomy.

over-all, i'd say this is one web 2.0 app that deserves hi-5 for integrating and utilizing relevant web 2.0 features and content.

check out some cool minti products as well. :)